
The basalt stele was found in secondary context near the Çapalı village south of Gaziantep and was moved to the Gaziantep Museum in 1946. It depicts a dining scene which is commonly encountered in Neo-Hittite funerary steles. Due to erosion details of the relief is no longer visible. The seated male figure on the left holds a drinking cup. In front of him is a table and a person waving a palm(?) leaf. The preserved section of the stele is 85 cm in height and 78 cm in width. It is dated to around 850-750 BCE. The stele is currently on display the Gaziantep Archaeology Museum.

Çapalı stele - B. Bilgin in 2009 Çapalı stele - T. Bilgin in 2019

Balcıoğlu, B. Gaziantep Arkeoloji Müzesi Geç Hitit Dönemi Taş Eserleri, Gaziantep, 2009: 20.
Bonatz, D. Syro-hethitische Grabdenkmal, Mainz, 2000. (C 43)
Bossert, H. Th. "Reisebericht aus Anatolien," Orientalia 28, 1959: 271–91 (276-77 and Fig. 14).
Orthmann, W. Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst, Bonn, 1971. (Çapalı 1)

Image sources:
Bora Bilgin, 2009.
Tayfun Bilgin, 2019.