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Lion Gate Inscription (BOĞAZKÖY 16)

The short inscription is located to the left of the head of north side lion at the Lion Gate. Although the gate was excavated long ago, the worn inscription was first noticed in 1973 by Peter Neve. It probably refers to the gate itself and has a ritualistic purpose.

BOĞAZKÖY 16 - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 16 - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 16 - H. G. Güterbock, 1979 BOĞAZKÖY 16 - M. Marazzi, 1986

Güterbock, H. G. "Hieroglyphische Miszellen," FsMeriggi, 1979: 235–45.
Hawkins, J. D. Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol 3, Berlin, 2024: 81 and plt. 55.
Marazzi, M. "Eine Hieroglypheninschrift am Löwentor von Boğazköy: Diskussionsbeitrag," OA 25, 1986: 51–57.
Marazzi, M. "Die sogenannten 'eingepunzten' Hieroglypheninschriften von Boğazköy: Status quaestionis," FsSiegelová, 2016: 194–209.
Neve, P. "Eine hethitische Hieroglyphen-Inschrift am Löwentor," IstMitt 26, 1976: 9–11.
(List of Abbreviations)

Image sources:
Tayfun Bilgin, 2018.
Hans Gustav Güterbock, 1979.
Massimiliano Marazzi, 1986.