Seylan Höyük

The basalt stele was found in Seylan Höyük which lies a few km south of Oğuzeli in Gaziantep province. It is 69 cm in height, 55 cm in width and 19 cm in thickness. On the left is the relief of a person with a raised hand, wearing a band on the head, a long tunic, and pointy shoes. The right side of the stele is left unfinished as the surface on that side is higher. A deep groove surrounds the scene like a frame. The purpose of the deep cut on the right side outside the frame is not clear. The stele is on display in the Gaziantep Archaeology Museum.

Seylan Höyük stele - B. Bilgin, 2009 Seylan Höyük stele - T. Bilgin, 2019

Balcıoğlu, B. Gaziantep Arkeoloji Müzesi Geç Hitit Dönemi Taş Eserleri, Gaziantep, 2009: 16.

Image sources:
Bora Bilgin, 2009.
Tayfun Bilgin, 2019.