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Çalapverdi Inscriptions

The two blocks with Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions were found near the village of Çalapverdi at Boðazlýyan, Yozgat. They were first reported in 1926 and moved to Ankara in 1934. A badly weathered third block has been left at the site. The contents of the poorly preserved inscriptions are unclear. They are thought to be the parts of a larger inscription consisting of several similar blocks. A date in the 9th to 8th century BCE has been suggested. Sizes of the two blocks are 71 x 96 cm and 66 x 84 cm, and both are currently in the Anatolian Civilizations Museum in Ankara.

Another stele has been found in May 2009 at the Kaletepe Höyük. Its three-line Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription is a dedication to the sun-deity by a Prince Anaziti, a name that was encountered in a seal from Hattusa (Ý. Taþ & M. Weeden, JAOS 130). The stele is dated to the 13th century BCE and currently in the Yozgat Museum.

Click on the pictures for larger images.

ÇALAPVERDÝ 1, 2, 3, and 4

ÇALAPVERDÝ 1 - B. Bilgin, 2022 ÇALAPVERDÝ 1 - J. D. Hawkins, 2000 (photo: I. Gelb) ÇALAPVERDÝ 1 - J. D. Hawkins, 2000     ÇALAPVERDÝ 2 - B. Bilgin, 2022 ÇALAPVERDÝ 2 - J. D. Hawkins, 2000 (photo: I. Gelb) ÇALAPVERDÝ 2 - J. D. Hawkins, 2000     ÇALAPVERDÝ 3     ÇALAPVERDÝ 4 - T. Bilgin, 2021 ÇALAPVERDÝ 4 - T. Bilgin, 2021 Drawing of ÇALAPVERDÝ 4 - Taþ & Weeden, 2010

Hawkins, J. D. Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol 1, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2000: 497–98 and plates 278–79.
Hawkins, J. D. Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol 3, Berlin, 2024: 101, 270, 346 and plt. 73.
Meriggi, P. "Quinto viaggio anatolico," Oriens Antiquus 5, 1966: 67–106 (Çalapverdi 3: 81 and Tab. XXVII fig. 39).
Taþ, Ý. and M. Weeden "A Stele of Prince Anaziti in Yozgat Museum," JAOS 130.3, 2010: 349–60.
Woudhuizen, F. "Note on the Second Column in Line 2 of the Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription on the Stele Çalapverdi 3," NABU 2014-4: 138–39.
(List of Abbreviations)

Image sources:
Bora Bilgin, 2022.
J. David Hawkins, 2000.
Piero Meriggi, 1966.
Tayfun Bilgin, 2021.
Ýlknur Taþ & Mark Weeden, 2010.