Inscribed blocks (BOĞAZKÖY 15)

Two rectangular limestone blocks with graffiti style hieroglyphic inscriptions were found in 1969 by the south end of the Great Temple area. Inscriptions show names and titles of multiple scribes incised in a disorderly fashion. Both blocks still can be seen in the temple area of the site.

BOĞAZKÖY 15 - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 15A  - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 15B - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 15 - A. and B. Dinçol, 2002

Bittel, K. et al. Boğazköy V. Funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971, Berlin, 1975:14–18.
Dinçol, A. and B. “Die ‘Anzeigen’ der öffentlichen Schreiber in Hattuscha”, GsImparati, 2002: 207–15.
Hawkins, J. D. Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol 3, Berlin, 2024: 83 and plt. 57.
Marazzi, M. "Die sogenannten 'eingepunzten' Hieroglypheninschriften von Boğazköy: Status quaestionis," FsSiegelová, 2016: 194–209.
(List of Abbreviations)

Image sources:
Tayfun Bilgin, 2018.
Ali and Belkıs Dinçol, 2002.