Scribal graffiti (BOĞAZKÖY 8)

The limestone block with the hieroglyphic graffiti which records the names of two scribes was found in 1956 in a wall at the inner city gate west of the Great Temple. The names are read as Bentešina and Samituli, both followed by the "scribe" title. The block is on display in the Boğazkale Museum.

BOĞAZKÖY 8, Boğazkale Museum - T. Bilgin, 2006 BOĞAZKÖY 8, Boğazkale Museum - T. Bilgin, 2018 BOĞAZKÖY 8 - J. D. Hawkins, 2024

Dinçol, A. and B. “Die ‘Anzeigen’ der öffentlichen Schreiber in Hattuscha,” GsImparati, 2002: 207–15.
Hawkins, J. D. Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, Vol 3, Berlin, 2024: 82 and plt. 56.
Marazzi, M. "Die sogenannten 'eingepunzten' Hieroglypheninschriften von Boğazköy: Status quaestionis," FsSiegelová, 2016: 194–209.
Poetto, M., 1987: “L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica Hattuša VIII,” Oriens Antiquus 26, 187–89.
(List of Abbreviations)

Image sources:
Tayfun Bilgin, 2006, 2018.